Posted in: Bartoons
Think Big!

Ah, this one is a perennial favourite, not only for me but among my family as well.
I think it was inspired by all those Hanna Barbera cartoons where a character (usually Yogi Bear, Fred Flintstone or Scooby Doo) who was fishing would get their line caught on something very large – either a passing motorboat or an oversized fish. At which point the hapless character would get pulled along the water as if on waterskis, setting the stage for a frantic sequence of hilarious hijinks…
Whatever the case, I reckon it makes for a pretty good motivational poster, don’t you?
Mum - October 16, 2011 3:48 pm
One of my favs FFB!! Still waiting for Superman!!
Zane Roscup - October 17, 2011 4:18 pm
nice work, continue the great website.
bartoonc - October 17, 2011 4:25 pm
Thank you! Much appreciated 🙂